Alonesy Mentorship Program


Baker Fox

Date Added

September 11, 2021

There are few things more debilitating than loneliness.  Life is never a straight path, and the trials and tribulations that make us swerve and stall can seem daunting, especially when it feels like we are walking in isolation.  In his high school years, Jack Bowers came to realize this reality firsthand; the resources for people dealing with matters of sexuality, depression, mental health, etc., are both scarce and expensive.  Furthermore, in many cases, it was not the advice of health counselors or other such resources that truly made a profound and lasting impact on Jack: it was the guidance of mentors.  

From a knowledgeable teacher to a trustworthy peer, mentors take many forms.  And yet, regardless of who your mentor is, one thing they have in common is that they are there for you.  Whether by virtue of experience or simple compassion, a mentor is a guide in life that can combat that feeling of loneliness.  In many instances, the shared experience between a mentor and a mentee are testament that things can get better, and any obstacle can be overcome with the right mindset and course of action.  A community of mentorship builds a support network of collaborative understanding, and it is this community that Alonesy strives to provide to individuals in need.

Alonesy mentors are equipped to be there for individuals in need, regardless of the situation.  Mentors undergo an application process, background check, and month-long curriculum that prepares them with a skillset to provide guidance catered to any scenario.  The mentor training program includes continual development from therapists, ensuring that the program is always getting better over time.  It is hard to walk alone, but Alonesy mentors can be invaluable in such instances where anybody feels that pressing isolation.  On the Alonesy app, anybody can fill out a brief application to match with mentors that have similar interests and hobbies, with whom they can talk about anything they might need, whether it's a crisis or debating the cutest breed of dogs.  There are mentors of all ages, sexualities, professions, and cultures, to ensure a diverse panel of potential mentors to mentee relationships.  When life seems dark and gloomy, the lack of light can make you feel alone and isolated.  Alonesy mentors are there to be a helping hand, a beacon of light to remind individuals that there are people who care, and people who can help.